Saturday, July 13, 2013

Book Review: 'Three French Hens' by Margie Palatini

✰✰✰½ Poulette, Collette, and Fifi are three French hens who are part of a young woman's Christmas gift to her true love, Philippe Renard, in Paris. Unfortunately, they become separated from the two turtle doves and the partridge in a pear tree and end up in a New York City post office. Rather than sit around, the three French hens decide to deliver themselves. But, alas! There is no Philippe Renard in the phone book. Realizing that French is not spoken here, the three French hens decide to translate. They manage to locate a Phil Fox instead. The fox is delighted when free lunch arrives on his doorstep and conveniently allows the hens to believe he is Philippe Renard. It doesn't look good for the three French hens. Will the three French hens end up roasted as dinner or will they outsmart the crafty fox and live happily ever after? Read this adorable and humorous Christmas tale to find out.

The Bottom Line: Author Margie Palatini offers a whimsical take on The Twelve Days of Christmas highlighting friendship. When the characters are confronted with a challenge, they come up with a plan to set things right. It's a classic example of turning lemons into lemonade. Recommended for school and library story times for kids in grades Pre-K - 3. Kids will delight in Egielski's watercolor drawings as well. For more books, activities, and games, visit Margie Palatini's website. You can also find out more about illustrator Richard Egielski.

Details: Three French Hens written by Margie Palatini and illustrated by Richard Egielski. Hardcover picture book published by Hyperion Books for Children in 2005. 36 p. ISBN: 978-0-786851676

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